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Health at Every Size® Healthcare Provider Listing

Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS


Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Rumsey Nutrition Consulting, PLLC
New York,
United States

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Sliding Scale Available
Specialties & Areas of Focus:
- Chronic dieting
- Eating disorders and disordered eating
- Intuitive eating
- Binge eating
- Body image
- Women's health
- Gastrointestinal (GI) health
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Medical nutrition therapy
Modalities & Theoretical Lenses:
- Intuitive eating framework
- Motivational interviewing
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT
- Internal Family Systems (IFS)
- Intersectional feminism
- Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach
- Weight inclusive approach
- Fat liberation
- Trauma informed counseling
- Self compassion
- Mindfulness
- Non-diet or anti-diet approach
Age Groups Served:
- Teens (13-18 years old)
- Adults (18 years old and up)
- Older Adults (65+ years old)
Additional Populations Served & Allied Groups:
- BIPOC folks
- Transgender and non-binary folks
- Dietitians and clinicians
- Healthcare professionals
Languages Services Offered In:
- English

My Philosophy of Care

My team of registered dietitians and I practice from a weight-inclusive, HAES®-aligned, trauma-informed, fat-liberatory lens. Our approach is highly individualized and includes work in intuitive eating, mindfulness, self-compassion, self-care, medical nutrition therapy, and psychology including several therapeutic modalities such as ACT, CBT, and IFS.

We take a holistic self-care approach, meaning that we help you learn how to take care of yourself in all aspects of health – including food, movement, stress management, coping skills, sleep habits, boundary-setting, and more. We support and hold space for you as you sit with all the discomfort this brings up, guiding you back toward your body and yourself.

We strive to create a space that is inclusive and equitable for all body shapes and sizes, races and ethnicities, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, abilities, ages, immigration status, and beyond. We respect and honor your lived experience, values, and goals.

We believe that: 1) All bodies are inherently worthy. 2) You are not a problem to be fixed. 3) You are the expert of you. 4) There is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to health and wellbeing. 5) Health is not a moral imperative.

About Me & My Practice

I am a registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and the owner of Rumsey Nutrition Consulting. My team and I provide virtual non-diet nutrition therapy to help you heal your relationship with food and your body, find lasting peace, balance, health (however you define that), and - ultimately - freedom.

We bring experience in intuitive eating, healing from chronic dieting, disordered eating and eating disorder recovery, body image healing, child/family feeding, binge eating, emotional eating, gastrointestinal conditions, women’s health, PCOS, life transitions, and more.

I’ve been practicing from a HAES®-informed lens for 6 years. I have additional training in mindfulness, self-compassion, body image work, motivational interviewing, trauma-informed care, culturally competent care, anti-racism and anti-oppressive care, and a variety of therapeutic approaches such as CBT, ACT, and IFS. I also get regular supervision from a variety of clinicians and folks with different lived experiences.

My work is aligned with, fat liberation, anti-racism, intersectional feminism, dismantling white supremacy and the patriarchy, gender-affirming care, as well as gender identity/expression and sexual orientation outside of society's restrictive binaries.

I am based in Brooklyn, NY, and live with my partner and 2 cats/co-workers Ginny and Lucy. I'm often exploring the diverse culture in NYC, especially the food and music scenes, and love to read, bike, and go dancing.

Accessibility Considerations

My practice provides sessions via telehealth. Closed captions are available for video calls upon request.

My team and I are committed to supporting people who hold identities that are routinely oppressed or marginalized. We do not stand for any overt or covert bigotry or body-based oppression including racism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-fat bias, or ableism. We respect and honor our clients lived experiences, values, and goals.

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