Health at Every Size® Healthcare Provider Listing

Emily Oschmann, MS, RDN, LDN, CDN
Eating Disorder Dietitian
Healthy By Emily
United States
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Takes Insurance
Sliding Scale Available
In-Network Insurance Companies:
- Anthem
- Blue Cross Blue Sheild
- United Healthcare
- Cigna
- Aetna
Specialties & Areas of Focus:
- Disordered Eating
- Eating Disorders
- Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome
- Larger bodied folx
- Neurodivergence
Modalities & Theoretical Lenses:
- Health at Every Size®
- Intuitive Eating
- Weight Inclusive
- Fat Liberation
- Trauma Informed
- Gender Affirming
Age Groups Served:
- Teens (13-18 years old)
- Adults (18 years old and up)
- Teens (13-18 years old)
- Adults (18 years old and up)
Additional Populations Served & Allied Groups:
- Transgender and nonbnary folx
- Larger Bodied folx
- Fat Identified folx
- Neurodivergent Folx
- Latinx Folx
- Perfectionist
Languages Services Offered In:
- English
- English
My Philosophy of Care
I take a patient focused approach in my practice, in that I prefer to listen rather than talk more. I let me clients tell me what they need and sometimes that may just be someone to listen to them. I believe that my patients know what is best for their health and I am just a resource to help guide them. I feel that we see more about an individual’s health by looking at their blood work, lifestyle, and uncontrollable determinants of health than their weight. In my practice, I use a trauma informed approach by having a consistent setting for care and allowing the patient to determine what boundaries we set with our conversation. I also utilize intuitive eating framework to help understand how we eat and what is impacting these eating habits. I also like to see if there are additional areas that may need more attention like coping with emotions and movement that may currently be neglected. With that said, I also recognize that intuitive eating does not work for every individual, so we may tailor it to fit the specific needs of the patient. For example, setting alarms or reminders for meals and snacks for individuals that are neurodiverse. Another example maybe, exploring different therapists and coping skills if there is an over reliance on food. At the end of the day, health is never a requirement for my patients to achieve. They are allowed to determine what health means to them and how they achieve it or don't.
About Me & My Practice
For 25 years I struggled with my own battle between food and my body- and it is EXHAUSTING. I always felt a disconnect in college with existing in a larger body and pursing a degree in dietetics. During college, I chose to listen to and find dietitians that were practicing from a different view which was weight inclusive. This truly lead me down a Health at Every Size® path. After graduating college, I knew that I didn’t want to be another medical professional that caused harm. Instead I wanted to be someone who could help heal the past traumas of my clients. For the past 4 years, I have been practicing with a Health at Every Size® approach and have no intentions of every looking back. I am also pursuing a Body Trust Provider certification and an intuitive eating counselor certification. Additionally, I actively pursue additional educational and networking opportunities that allow me to become more inclusive and diverse in my approach to best serve each individual I work with. In my free time, I enjoy reading, traveling with my mom, going on adventures with my fiancé, trying the newest brewery in Wisconsin, doing 5k walk/runs, snuggling my cats, and watching sports.
Accessibility Considerations
Right now, my services are all telehealth making it accessible to attend sessions where you feel most comfortable. I work with clients to make sure any information presented to them is received in an appropriate way rather it be more written, picture, or audio education. My clients are never required to weigh themselves for our appointments. However, upon intake there is a question about weight due to the credentialing company I work out of. You are never required to answer this question, but it is more just to be aware that it will be asked.