Health at Every Size® Healthcare Provider Listing

Liz Schonthal, MS, RD, LDN
Weight Neutral Dietitian
Your Nutrition Partner, LLC
United States
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Takes Insurance
Sliding Scale Available
In-Network Insurance Companies:
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Aetna
- Cigna
Specialties & Areas of Focus:
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Eating Disorders
- Fertility/Perinatal
- Disordered Eating
Age Groups Served:
- Teens (13-18 years old)
- Adults (18 years old and up)
- Older Adults (65+ years old)
- Teens (13-18 years old)
- Adults (18 years old and up)
- Older Adults (65+ years old)
Languages Services Offered In:
- English
- English
My Philosophy of Care
My ultimate goal is to help people reduce their stress around food and feel better. I find that people feel their best when they are able to trust their bodies to tell them which foods work for them. I screen all clients for potential disordered eating - even (especially) the folks who believe they eat too much. Disordered eating is common, often overlooked, or even praised in people in larger bodies. I work in partnership with my clients to remove barriers to regular and adequate eating. This may include helping with strategies for meal planning, putting together meals and snacks, and/or grocery shopping. I advocate on my clients behalf to other providers when they are harmed by focusing on weight. I collaborate with other care team members (doctors/therapists) when needed to provide the best care for clients. My intention is never to be "the" expert but instead to remain open and curious about what is and what is not best for each individual.
About Me & My Practice
I was trained in the traditional dietetics model, which included focusing on weight loss. After working with real patients it became clear that dieting doesn't result in long term weight loss or improved health and instead results in people gaining weight back and feeling like it is all their fault. I was introduced to the book Intuitive Eating and started to educate myself more about the HAES® concepts with webinars, conferences, podcasts, and additional books. It also became clear how many people of all sizes suffered with eating disorders and disordered eating so I took courses, read books, listened to podcasts, and got supervision in that area. I've been working on advocating more for my clients when I see that they are harmed in healthcare. This can be really intimidating but I know that my discomfort is just a fraction of what my clients experience in these settings. My hope with other professionals is that I can plant a seed that might help them rethink how they practice in the future. I also seek out other HAES® providers (especially doctors!) who I can refer clients to.
Accessibility Considerations
I see all clients virtually. I don't monitor weight for most of my clients, with the exception of some eating disorders clients.