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Michelle goes on a diet

By Michelle May, M.D.

 The description from the author’s website for Maggie Goes on a Diet, a children’s book (for ages 6 and up) slated for publication in October 2011 reads:

“Maggie has so much potential that has been hiding under her extra weight. This inspiring story about a 14 year old who goes on a diet and is transformed from being overweight and insecure to a normal sized teen who becomes the school soccer star. Through time, exercise and hard work, Maggie becomes more and more confident and develops a positive self image.”

Inspired by the above, click here to enjoy Michelle Goes on a Diet…that lasted 20 years!

Update as of 10/7/11 “Michelle Goes on a Diet”  is now available through Amazon!  Proceeds benefit organizations promoting the Health At Every Size ® model!

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