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Health at Every Size® Healthcare Provider Listing

Christina Hughes, M.Ed


Birth and Postpartum Doula & Childbirth Educator

Big Fat Pregnancy
United States

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Special Instructions: Schedule a free consultation to learn more and how we can work together:
Sliding Scale Available
Specialties & Areas of Focus:
- Anti-Fat Bias in Pregnancy
- Locating Size Inclusive Care Team
- Gestational Diabetes
- Birth Mentoring
- Fat Positive Birth Coaching
- Fat Positive Childbirth Education
Modalities & Theoretical Lenses:
- Fat Liberation
- Disability Justice
- Reproductive Justice
Age Groups Served:
- Adults (18 years old and up)
Additional Populations Served & Allied Groups:
- transgender and nonbinary folks
- BIPOC folks
Languages Services Offered In:
- English

My Philosophy of Care

Big Fat Pregnancy operates from an inclusive, evidence-based, trauma informed, Health at Every Size® lens of care. We believe every person should have access to prenatal and birth care that is unbiased and respectful of the individual. We believe health has no size, no number, no specific look or guidelines. We provide fat-positive care based off of a model we’ve created in working with clients in the prenatal space. Our work is currently 1:1 conversation, discussion and consultation in addition to day of birth support and in-home prenatal and postpartum visits. We value and work to provide resources, referrals, and support where possible to each individual client's physical, economic, social, spiritual, emotional needs. We do not discuss weight at any time during the process, unless it is in reference to a provider comment around gestational weight gain/losses and will refer to anti-diet nutritionists or dietitians when a client would like to discuss nourishment or changes to nutritional needs. As mid-fat and straight-sized doulas, who are also white cis-women, we recognize that the anti-fat bias our clients face do not exist alone. They are part of a complex system of biases and oppression rooted in anti-Blackness and white supremacy. Our clients also usually have additional identities that intersect with their fatness, which further compounds the bias and potential harm. It is important to educate ourselves, align with folks already doing the work and support them.

About Me & My Practice

Hi, I'm Christina (she/her)! I’m a fat, queer mama and birth nerd whose primary goal is to create a more inclusive birth culture for those living in larger bodies during conception, pregnancy, and postpartum! I’ve been working with fat birthers for about 3 years in a consultation space and with a Health at Every Size® lens, recently adding doula care. I was someone who believed that being a mom and having a positive birth experience was outside of my reach because of the pounds I carried on my body. I heard it for years that conceiving would be harder, if not impossible, because I was fat and because of my long and complicated history with ovarian cysts. When my partner and I decided to have a child, I had already ventured a bit into learning about diet culture and the truths I held about fat bodies and their ability, value, and worth. As my body grew so did my conviction that being fat was not going to define my pregnancy experience. And in the same body society told me was broken and unworthy, I have birthed two beautiful humans into this world and I am here to share my experiences and education in this area and walk alongside other fat folks on their path to parenthood.

Accessibility Considerations

Big Fat Pregnancy does not have a physical location and instead does much of our work online and as such clients are likely to have the physical items they need in their home to work with us. We ensure captions are available and a transcript and recording of meetings are available should a client need them. When we meet with clients in person, we usually meet them at their home and request them to select a location they feel comfortable with in an effort to maximize comfort. If a client is in need of ASL, we use current technology to provide transcripted meeting notes and captioning and we would use the services provided by the hospital during a birth. We have several birth tools available that are specifically intended for larger folks. We have a professional birth stool available that is the model crafted for higher weight limits (750lbs) and the rebozo we use for some of our belly positioning support is 84 inches instead of 48 inches. The rest of the equipment we may use is often provided by hospitals, so if we are unfamiliar with that hospital we call to check equipment and weight limits for our clients. We also suggest several items they can request from their provider ahead of time i.e. wireless monitors that support larger bodies.

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