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Health at Every Size® Healthcare Provider Listing

Dr. Evelyn Cowen, PsyD


Clinical Psychologist

Inner Wings Psychology
United States

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Special Instructions: Contact me to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation.
Sliding Scale Available
Additional information about where I can practice: I can see Colorado residents for virtual appointments.
Specialties & Areas of Focus:
- Eating Disorders
- Women's Issues
- Depression
- Anxiety
Age Groups Served:
- Teens (13-18 years old)
- Adults (18 years old and up)
Additional Populations Served & Allied Groups:
- Gender Diverse People
- BIPOC People
Languages Services Offered In:
- English

My Philosophy of Care

I am a Health at Every Size provider in that I not only acknowledge but embrace the inherent diversity of people, including their sizes. I aim to help patients connect to a greater sense of health and well-being, and dismantle the idea that this is achieved from manipulating the size and shape of their bodies. I believe that seeking self-acceptance, and a peaceful relationship with your body leads to a better quality of life. A main tenant of my practice is to provide affirming, respectful care to patients of all backgrounds, identities, and sizes. I have worked with a diverse range patients who have a difficult relationship to food, movement, and/or body image. This includes patients who have had diagnoses including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and more. My practice is named Inner Wings Psychology, because I believe that we all have the inherent ability within us to find well-being, including a loving relationship to your body. I work to find and maximize each patient’s strengths, to help them find a path to healing.

About Me & My Practice

Early in pursuing my doctorate, I decided to pursue specialized training in working with negative body image and eating disorders. My initial specified training in eating disorders was a training program that aimed to integrate intersectional feminist theory to clinical work. It was in this training that I was first informed of the Health at Every Size principles, which I have applied to all of my eating disorder patients. Due to this early exposure, I have been able to utilize the HAES principles in all of my clinical work. With eating disorder patients, I often collaborate with other providers as part of a wider treatment team. At times, this can be with body positive providers. At other times, I work to try to promote physicians taking a Health at Every Size approach either directly or in helping patients advocate for themselves. I have worked with a diverse range of patients, including fat patients. These patients, who were often adolescents or young adults, were dealing with the impact of fatphobia including through medical fatphobia. I strive to create a safe environment where patients can process these events and the impact on them. I have also advocated for patients in the past, be that in finding new providers or consulting with providers that promote fatphobic rhetoric.

Accessibility Considerations

As I solely provide services virtually, patients are able to receive services from the comfort of their home. Some unique considerations for accessibility to an online practice include access to a device and a stable network through which to provide video treatment. I am the only employee of my business, so I am the only person my patients will interact with. I am unable to perform services with interpretation for ASL. I do have specific training and experience working with gender diverse patients, and strive to provide gender affirming care. I do not require any kind of weigh-ins with my practice, and have body positive dietician referrals.

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